Translated mental health assessment tools

Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) is pleased to provide the following links to other organisations, but has not undertaken its own review of this information.

Practitioners are encouraged to take considerable care when administering any tool that was originally created and validated in English, to persons with a low level of English proficiency or limited experience of Australian culture. This caution applies equally when working with an interpreter to administer the English language version of a tool or a translated version.

These and other issues are discussed by Milectic et al. (2006, p. 24-25) in Guidelines for working effectively with interpreters in mental health settings, available from the VTMH (formerly VTPU) website and MHiMA's knowledge exchange collection. Also see Australian Psychologist, 44 (1), 2009, a special edition which features a number of articles on issues related to cross-cultural psychological assessment of children, adults and older persons and the impact of previous trauma.

Australian organisations

Alzheimer's Australia

Has a webpage, Culturally appropriate dementia assessment tools, that outlines resources developed for screening and diagnostic assessment of people from non-English speaking backgrounds. Includes information and links to resources regarding the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS).

NSW Transcultural Mental Health Centre

Provides direct links to Kessler 10 (K10) self report measures for adults and older people and an information brochure in Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, English, Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Serbian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Vietnamese.

Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH) (formerly the Victorian Transcultural Psychiatric Unit (VTPU))

The web page Mental health Instruments in non-English languages provides links to a range of scales, resources, research and other related information.

Western Australian Perinatal Mental Health Unit (WAPMHU)

WAPMHU has developed a resource, Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS): Translated into languages other than English.

Translated versions of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale EPDS have been developed for use with non-English speaking women in 36 languages, of which, 18 have been validated. All 36 versions are available as files on CD, free to WA health professionals. Ordering enquiries should be directed to WAPMHU.

International websites

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre (MMHRC)

Provides information about the following clinical instruments, available in a range of languages: