MHIMA blog


MHiMA Team - Friday, June 17, 2016
Latest update from Frank Quinlan, CEO Mental Health Australia:
As noted in previous updates, in May 2016 the MHiMA National CaLD Consumer and Carer Working Group (NCCCWG) were invited to talk about multicultural mental health at the NMHCCF and National Register Annual Issues and Opportunities Workshop. NCCCWG members provided valuable insights from the multicultural perspective on a range of topics including; human rights; culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) participation in mental health reforms; men’s mental health and well-being; parenting, fostering and adopting; and defining recovery. Presentation abstracts have been uploaded to our website. To see regular updates, photos and news on the MHiMA Project, please also visit the MHiMA Facebook and Twitter pages.

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